dax calculate with filter

However, you cannot write a single filter argument referencing two different columns. In this case, the cardinality of the filter is identical to the Cartesian product of the values you have in the referenced columns. UPDATE 2017-01-30 : Excel 2016, Power BI and SSAS Tabular 2016 have now SUMMARIZECOLUMNS, which should replace the use of SUMMARIZE described in this article. @RubenvwTo be able to "make a measure that sums all sales where the Store = West (Lookup to dimStores) and Sales Quantity is not equal to 2" do this, you don't need to make a measure or calculated column using DAX. Using CROSSJOIN, you obtain all the possible combination of the values you have in the columns referenced, regardless of the fact that the combination exists in the underlying table. As well as offering advanced IntelliSense-style code completion, full formatting options, object renaming, and other productivity features, SQL Prompt also offers fast and comprehensive code analysis as you type. This article shows two techniques based on calculation groups: how to implement dynamic format strings in regular measures, and how to perform weight conversion on the fly. An alternative approach to the ALL filter described in the previous section is using a CROSSJOIN over all the values of the two columns. You can write a filter over two columns using a filter over the entire table that contains both columns. I’ve covered how to download and use DAX Studio in a previous article in this series, but here’s a quick refresher. By using the ALL function, you get a table having all the unique combinations of values existing in the underlying table for the referenced columns.

To understand why you might want to do this, see this previous article in this series: Give this table a name.

Thus, if you have a slicer filtering the brand Proseware, you will see the sales amount of only the products Red belonging to Proseware brand, ignoring any product of the Contoso brand. Copyright 1999 - 2020 Red Gate Software Ltd. The FILTER function creates virtual tables which, under normal circumstances, you never see, but you can use a tool like DAX Studio to show the rows these virtual tables contain. Dynamic format strings with calculation groups, Set functions in DAX: UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT, Creating calculation groups in Power BI Desktop using Tabular Editor.

Get the latest news and training with the monthly Redgate UpdateSign up, Creating Time-Intelligence Functions in DAX, // multiply the price of each transaction by, // calculate the total sales for the current filter context, // divide this by total sales for all cities, // create a variable to hold the sales in the USA, // create another variable to filter this to show, // finally, calculates sales for these figures, // ... the number of purchases is more than 1, Using the DAX Calculate and Values Functions, Cracking DAX – the EARLIER and RANKX Functions, What you’ll learn at my 2020 PASS Summit presentation, Introduction to DAX Financial Functions – Part 1. For the example below, I’m just listing out the contents of the Sales table: Incidentally, if you’re wondering what those long date table names are, you’re not the only one.

For example, if you have a slicer filtering the brand Proseware, you will see the sales amount of the products Red regardless of the brand, summed to the sales of the entire Contoso brand, regardless of the color – but products of Red color and Contoso brand will be summed only once, without duplicating their value. The FILTER function in DAX allows you to iterate down the rows of any table, creating a row context for each and testing whether the row should be included in your calculation. The inner FILTER function iterates over each row in the table of data for the filter context, picking out only rows where the country is in the USA. To calculate the ratio of current reseller sales to all reseller sales, you add to the PivotTable a measure that calculates the sum of sales for the current cell (the numerator), and then divides that sum by the total sales for all resellers (the denominator).

Returns the value for the row that meets all criteria specified by search conditions. Returns the current value of the specified column in an outer evaluation pass of the specified column. C# training for businesses in the UK. Consider the example of sales for New York. To illustrate the last point, suppose that you want to create a measure showing total sales for cities having two or more purchases. The FILTER function allows you to perform some tasks which the CALCULATE function can’t reach, and also (in my opinion) lets you create formulae which are easier to understand.

The lookup functions work by using tables and relationships, like a database. I’ll return to this later in this article. This could be expensive for low cardinality columns in a large table. Firstly, get the data for the filter context: Secondly, filter this data to include only those sales for 2018, by iterating down each row deciding whether to include it. You can appreciate different performance only on larger data models. The filter table is usually the “easy” way to write a valid complex filter expression, but it could have a large granularity for the FILTER iterator and a higher cost for the filter itself in CALCULATE, considering the related cost of an expanded table in a filter argument.

All rights are reserved. Returns the current value of the specified column in an outer evaluation pass of the mentioned column. Returns the value when the context for columnName has been filtered down to one distinct value only. SUMMARIZECOLUMNS ( [ [, [] [, [] [, [] [, [, [] [, [] [, [] [, … ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ). Removes context filters from columns and rows in the current query, while retaining all other context filters or explicit filters. The filter and value functions in DAX are some of the most complex and powerful, and differ greatly from Excel functions. Removes all context filters in the table except filters that have been applied to the specified columns.

You can write a filter over two columns by creating a special table having only the columns you need.

You can do this by copying this part of the measure you created earlier: Precede this with the word EVALUATE in DAX Studio, and you’ll get this: That’s looking good, so now you can repeat this technique with the outer bit of the FILTER function: From this, it’s easy to see why you get the figures for this measure. Specifies an existing relationship to be used in the evaluation of a DAX expression. For a complete understanding of the differences between a table filter and a column filter in CALCULATE and their implications, we suggest reading the Chapter 10, Advanced evaluation context.

Even more sales have dropped from the figures: The other way to solve this would have been to nest one function within another: Consider what this does for the New York row in the table: Filter context restricts the data to sales for the current city in question.

ALL ( [] [, [, [, … ] ] ] ). I’ve already covered this for scalar variables (ones holding a single value) in the previous article in this series on measures, but did you know a variable can hold an entire table?

By downloading the file(s) you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy and accepting our use of cookies. You can right-click on the table and choose New measure to do this: Choose to display this measure in your table: You should now be able to see the total value of sales for each city: What happens if you want to show the sales for American cities only?

Keep me informed about BI news and upcoming articles with a bi-weekly newsletter (uncheck if you prefer to proceed without signing up for the newsletter), Send me SQLBI promotions (only 1 or 2 emails per year). I think expressions using the FILTER function are easier to understand than equivalent expressions just using CALCULATE. Create a summary table for the requested totals over set of groups. In this case you have to write an explicit table expression instead of relying on automatic conversion of a logical expression in a table expression made by CALCULATE and CALCULATETABLE when you reference a single column.

Evaluates an expression in a context modified by filters. The best one depends on the cardinality of the table and of the columns involved in the filter. This could be expensive for high cardinality columns that have a high correlation, so that the number of existing combinations in the table is much lower than all the possible combinations. The results will appear beneath it. A good thing to ask might be: which sales were in the United States? Learning the FILTER function will help you to understand the EARLIER function, which will be the subject of the next article in this series. The DAX syntax of the automatic FILTER function generated by DAX in place of a logical expression requires that you express a single column in the filter expression. The outer FILTER function then iterates over each row in the table of sales for the USA for the filter context and applies a further constraint that the sales year must be 2018. You can, however, solve this problem by rewriting it to incorporate a FILTER function: This will calculate total sales, but only for those cities where the number of purchases was more than 1. The answer is that within this formula, row context, not filter context, is used. This is the syntax using KEEPFILTERS: The SUMMARIZE function generates a list of the existing combinations between two or more columns, and can be used with columns belonging to different tables if they are connected in a many-to-one relationships chain.

You could use this, for example, to show the percentage contribution of each city’s sales to the grand total: Here’s the formula for the above measure: Incidentally, if you’re wondering how to get the nice percentage format, just select the measure you’ve created: You can then set the formatting in the Modeling tab on the menu: To see the difference between the way in which CALCULATE and FILTER filter data, consider this example: The first measure applies the filter context (so it only calculates sales for the city in question), and applies an additional constraint that the city should be New York: The second measure replaces the filter context with a new constraint that the city should be New York, which results in the same figure appearing in every row: To make debugging easier, first add a couple of calculated columns to the Sales table, to give the city name and sales year. Clear all filters which are applied to a table. This will add a new table to your report to contain your measures. Otherwise returns alternateResult.

This could be expensive for low cardinality columns in a large table. You can find more details about the internal behavior and the related performance in The Definitive Guide to DAX.

I promised I would return to this question: why would you use the FILTER function when the CALCULATE function seems to offer a better alternative? and here's how you'd use it: var __lastDateInReal = [Last Date in Real] return calculate ( sum ( Ppto [importe] ); KEEPFILTERS ( Calendario [Date] <= __lastDateInReal ) ) if you want to intersect filters on Calendario that are coming from the outer context... and this is probably what you want to do.


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