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How do I find a suitable repository for my research data? veröffentlicht In: DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 1886, von

Du möchtest gern studieren? Christian Schmidt (Open Access; Copyright; Creative Commons), Screenshot: HTML-Code https://opensource.org/osd by Anja Hähle/ University Library, A software is called open resp. Various blog posts on the University Library’s new consulting services, on Open Access publishing, on the importance of Open Educational Resources and on Open Software concluded the programme for “International Open Access Week” 2020. (You can find the slides of Dr. Schmeja’s presentation here).

Making teaching appealing and interactive is easier than ever with digital educational materials – and that is precisely why we depend so much on high-quality and freely available material.

He spoke about the need in the medical field for the fastest possible, unhindered access to the latest research, and he spanned the arch beyond the field of medicine. veröffentlicht In: DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 1889, von What license do I apply to my materials to make them available as OER?

veröffentlicht Bonn: mitp-Verl., 2005, von Open Access Monitor; OpenAPC) and spoke about some recent Open Access business models that are intended to drive the transformation forward (“Subscribe to Open“). Prof. Müller particularly addressed the question of maximizing the re-use of self-created, high-quality educational content. Den Beitrag weiterlesen Come in. Die neue Kinderheilstätte der Christian Görne-Stiftung in Duhnen bei Cuxhaven, The Operative Treatment of Obstructive Prostatic Hypertrophy, Congenitale Trachealstenose durch abnorme Krümmung der Trachealknorpel, Ueber einen glücklich operirten Fall von hernia obturatoria incarcerata. For the second time, the University Library received the Open Library Badge of the initiative of the same name for more openness in libraries.

In addition to the theoretical discussion of the relevance of barrier-free access and Universal Design for inclusion and access for all, he also addressed practical questions about the proper CC licenses and how to apply for funding. Carolin Ahnert (Open Educational Ressources) TU Chemnitz 16.09.2020 16 Sep 27. These and other questions were vividly discussed by the participants. Ausführlich: Verschiedene digitale Angebote der Universität sind aus Sicherheitsgründen nur zugänglich, wenn sich Ihr Computer oder Mobiltelefon im Campusnetz der TU Chemnitz befindet. also for content on IOAW 2021) are always welcome. The topic of digitisation has been an important one to schools and universities in Germany for some time now. Open-Access - offener Zugang zu Ihren Publikationen. Information on the VPN login, which you can use to access the campus network from home, can be found here: ... service@bibliothek.tu-chemnitz.de and we will take care of it. In addition to questions about the financing of Open Access fees through the Publication Fund, the big questions were also addressed and lively discussions took place: What added value does the work of prestigious publishers provide for a publication beyond their household name and a high impact? Den Beitrag weiterlesen From Research Results to Open Access Publication →, Why does this e-book not open? Please contact us personally or at: mailto:os@bibliothek.tu-chemnitz.de, The Open Science Team is: an all-German Open Access strategy) concluded the presentation. It is precisely this purpose that Open Educational Resources (OER) are intended for. TU Chemnitz. In addition to figures and statistics to illustrate what has been achieved so far, he also reported on the work of the Contact Point, offered an overview of funding agencies involved (DFG; BMBF) and infrastructure projects that are accompanying this process (e.g. How do I format the paragraphs in my LaTeX document? Finally, on Wednesday, October 21, the Open Science team hosted a virtual consultancy session under the motto “Talk to us: Let’s discuss Open Science”. Martina Jackenkroll (Open Data; Research Data) Is there any better literature than the one I have found so far? Katalanistentag: Kultur im Wandel - Kulturwissenschaftliche Ansätze in der … Der Katalanistentag 2020 lädt dazu ein, die Katalanistik im Kontext … Sonstige 15.10.2020 15 Okt HZwo Connect – Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Dialog Zur Netzwerkkonferenz lädt der HZwo e.V. Picture: Giulia Forsythe – OER is sharing on flickr. On the other hand, IOAW 2020 was also held under the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has been challenging the global community and turning people’s lives and work upside down since the beginning of this year. ... Für Angehörige der TU Chemnitz entstehen bei der Bestellung keine Kosten. This year’s “International Open Access Week” (IOAW), which took place from 19 October to 25 October 2020, was centred around the motto “Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion”, which emphasised the political and social implications of Open Science and focused on the philosophy behind the term “Openness” as a set of values. Dies betrifft alle Nutzer, die nicht die Software Cisco AnyConnect zum Zugang nutzen. von We are proud to again meet the revised criteria of 2016 in the required number and beyond. The full range of topics related to Openness was explored in exciting lectures, lively Q&A sessions, an engaging Open Science forum, and numerous interactions on our social media channels. Dr. Stefan Schmeja, who has a doctorate in astrophysics and is an Open Science expert at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) in Hannover, finally posed the question of the relevance of Open Science using the example of the information situation during a pandemic in the last presentation of the symposium. We would especially like to thank all those who found the time to visit our virtual events, listen to the lectures, ask questions, participate in discussions, read our blog posts and use our social media services. panel discussions on the topic, was emphasized and included in the list of suggestions for the IOAW 2021. Does the gain in reputation justify particularly high Open Access fees? Bove, Anthony L.; Rhodes, Cheryl; Bove, Tony ; et al.

The Open Science Team at Chemnitz University Library would like to thank all participants and speakers for a very successful “International Open Access Week”. Den Beitrag weiterlesen The importance of free teaching and learning materials for digital higher education →, Bild: Jacob Müller /Pressestelle der TU Chemnitz, Free and permanent access to reliable research results accelerates, among others, finding effective measures against pandemics and global threats to the environment and health. Die lizenzierten elektronischen Medien sind für die Mitglieder der TU Chemnitz außerhalb der Bibliothek via VPN nutzbar. Baig, Edward C.; LeVitus, Bob; Schmidt, Meinhard ; et al.

We are open – more inclusive through open consulting services →. Schmidt, Meinhard An outlook on future tasks (e.g. Together with renowned experts and our library patrons, we were not only able to discuss the opportunities for creating inclusion and justice through Open Science, but also the relevance of Open Science in times of a pandemic. The Open Science Team has taken up the new challenge Inhalte in diesem Blog sind, sofern nicht anders gekennzeichnet, lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International Lizenz.

Schmidt, Meinhard and is implementing openness in the following contexts, for example: Additional points are displayed as best practices on the badge page.

veröffentlicht Weinheim: WILEY-VCH, 2008. Schmidt, Meinhard Digital teaching presents us all with great challenges but offers great opportunities as well. Schmidt, Meinhard

Digital teaching, open educational materials are two of many exciting topics. The importance of free teaching and learning materials for digital higher education, From Research Results to Open Access Publication, Come in. Students and employees with current URZ-Login are able to use the VPN of the University Computer Center. Aber weißt noch nicht genau was? Einstieg; Informationen zum Umzug in die Alte Aktienspinnerei.


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