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Europ J Pharmacol 210:149–157, Duff HJ, Lester WM, Rahmberg M (1988) Amiloride, antiarrhythmic and electrophysiological activity in the dog. Bei der Emission von Wikifolio- Zertifikaten sollte es nicht bleiben. Amer Heart J 100:705–715, Malloy CR, Buster DC, Margarida M, Castro M, Geraldes CFGC, Jeffrey FMH, Sherry AD (1990) Influence of global ischemia on intracellular sodium in the perfused rat heart. Arch Int Phys Biochem 76:624–634, Penny WJ (1984) The deleterious effects of myocardial catecholamines on cellular electrophysiology and arrhythmias during ischemia and reperfusion. Am J Physiol 264:C986-C994, Fralix TA, Steenbergen C, London RE, Murphy E (1993) Glibenclamide does not abolish the protective effect of preconditioning on stunning in the isolated perfused rat heart. Circulat Res 66:1012–1022, Weissberg PL, Little PJ, Cragoe EJ, Bobik A (1989) The pH of spontaneously beating cultured rat heart cells is regulated by an ATP-calmodulin-dependent Na+/H+ antiport. Am J Physiol 76:411–447, Steenbergen C, Deleeuw G, Rich T, Williamson JR (1977) Effects of acidosis and ischemia on contractility and intracellular pH of rat heart. Außerdem werden weniger Aktien oder ETFs angeboten als beispielsweise beim Xetra-Handel. J Mol Cell Cardiol 17:1029–1042, Lederer WJ, Niggli E, Hadley RW (1990) Sodium-calcium exchange in excitable cells. Durch den Erfolg der Plattform entschloss sich „Lang & Schwarz“, die nun auch in die namenskürzere „Lang & Schwarz AG“ umfirmiert hatte, im Jahr 2013 zu einer Beteiligung an der “ wikifolio Financial Technologies AG“. Am J Cardiol 36:234–243, Shen AC, Jennings RB (1972) Myocardial calcium and magnesium in acute ischemic injury. Am J Physiol 262:C348-C357, Hearse DJ, Humphrey SM, Bullock GR (1978) The oxygen paradox and the calcium paradox: two facets of the same problem? J Mol Cell Cardiol 22:57–72, Tonnessen TI, Sandvig K, Olsnes S (1990) Role of Na+−H+ and Cl−−HCO3-antiports in the regulation of cytosolic pH near neutrality. Die Lang & Schwarz Aktiengesellschaft ist eine Holding aus der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche, die 1996 in Düsseldorf gegründet wurde und im Entry Standard notiert. Am J Physiol 258:C1117-C1126, Vandenberg JI, Metcalfe JC, Grace AA (1993) Mechanisms of pHi recovery after global ischemia in the perfused heart. Am J Physiol 225:651–658, Ng LL, Davies JE, Quinn P (1993) Intracellular pH regulation in isolated myocytes from adult rat heart in HCO3-containing and HCO3-free media. Am J Cardiol 22:349–359, Wright J, Maridonneau-Parini I, Cragoe EJ, Schwartz JH, Tauber AI (1988) The role of the Na+/H+ antiporter in human neutrophil NADPH-oxidase activation. VAT) €2,00 per order. Am J Physiol 259:H1767-H1773, Piwnica-Worms D, Jacob R, Shigeto N, Horres CR, Lieberman M (1986) Na/H exchange in cultured chick heart cells: Secondary stimulation of electrogenic transport during recovery from intracellular acidosis. In case of reperfusion the acid extracellular fluid is washed out, which reactivates Na+/H+ exchange, leading to an unfavourably fast restoration of pHi and a second time to Na+ and Ca++ Arch Int Phys Biochem 85:11–25, Mattiazzi AR, Cingolani HE, Spacapan de Castuma E (1979) Relationship between calcium and hydrogen ions in heart muscle. Am J Physiol 259:C940-C948, Aronson PS (1985) Kinetic properties of the plasma membrane Na+/H+-exchanger. Amer Heart J 116:701–708, Cingolani HE, Mattiazzi AR, Blesa ES, Conzalez HE (1970) Contractility in isolated mammalia heart muscle after acid-base changes. Raven press, New York, pp 43–60, Poole-Wilson PA (1989) Regulation of intracellular pH in the myocardium; relevance to pathology. Am J Physiol 258:H17-H23, Pike MM, Kitakaze M, Marban E (1990) 23Na-NMR measurements of intracellular sodium in intact perfused ferret hearts during ischemia and reperfusion. Your Recent History LSE. Circulat Res 39:24–32, Weiss RG, Lakatta EG, Gerstenblith G (1990) Effects of amiloride on metabolism and contractility during reoxygenation in perfused rat heart. i). J Physiol 416:455–468, Malliani A, Schwartz PJ, Zanchetti A (1980) Neural mechanisms in life-threatening arrhythmias. August 2016 - Ab sofort kann auf dem elektronischen Handelssystem der Börse Hamburg unter der Bezeichnung "Lang & Schwarz Exchange" auf Basis eines Market Maker-Systems gehandelt werden. Die Inhalte dieser Website werden mit größtmöglicher Sorgfalt erstellt. Die Lang & Schwarz Exchange ist eine außerbörsliche Handelsplattform, kooperiert aber eng mit der Börse Hamburg. Ann NY Acad Sci 402:116–133, Beuckelmann DJ, Wier WG (1989) Sodium-calcium exchange in guinea-pig cardic cells: Exchange current and changes in intracellular Ca++. J Mol Cell Cardiol 25:VI P 12 (Abstract), Imai S, Shi AY, Ishibashi T, Nakazawa M (1991) Na+/H+ exchange is not operative under low flow ischemic conditions. J Physiol 276:233–255, Fralix TA, Murphy E, London RE, Steenbergen C (1993) Protective effects of adenosine in the perfused rat heart: changes in metabolism and intracellular ion homeostasis. Zum Start sind rund 8.000 Wertpapiere im Angebot ; Handelsmöglichkeit erhöht sich auf 15,5 Stunden ; Hamburg, 02. i overflow. Circulat Res 26:269–278, Cobbe SM, Poole-Wilson PA (1980) Tissue acidosis in myocardial hypoxia. Als Market Maker fungiert die "Lang und Schwarz TradeCenter AG & Co. KG". - It seems that the inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange can interrupt this process at an early phase and prevent or delay the consequences of ischemia and reperfusion as demonstrated by numerous investigators. Am J Physiol 213:115–120, Oh JK, Shub C, Ilstrup DM, Reeder GS (1985) Creatine kinase release after successful percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. This in turn increases intracellular Na+ (Na+ LANG & SCHWARZ Tradecenter AG & Co. KG reserves the right to modify or discontinue its offerings at any time. Eur Heart J 12 (Suppl):124 (Abstr), Schömig A, Kurz T, Richardt G, Schömig E (1988) Neuronal sodium homoeostasis and axoplasmic amine concentration determine calcium-independent noradrenaline release in normoxic and ischemic rat heart. Circulat Res 60:153–168, Anderson SE, Murphy E, Steenbergen C, London RE, Cala PM (1990) Na−H exchange in myocardium: effects of hypoxia and acidification on Na and Ca. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. In detail: Transaction fee flat rate: €2,00: Baader Bank and gettex (Shares, bonds, participation certificates, funds, ETFs, ETCs, Data incl. Science in China 34:599–605, Hoechst AG, P.O. Circulat Res 61:157–165, Corr PB, Gillis RA (1978) Autonomic neutral influences on the dysrhythmias resulting from myocardial infarction. Molec Cell Biochem 89:151–155, Rabkin SW (1989) Comparison of the effect of amiloride and its analogue dichlorobenzamil on cardiac chronotropic responses to Ouabain in myocardial cell aggregates in culture. Molec Cell Biochem 119:109–120, Jungermann K, Möhler H (1980) Biochemie. Circulat Res 78:496–505, Scheufler E, Henrichs M, Guttmann I, Mozes A, Wilffert B (1993) Effect of the Na/H exchange inhibitor Ethyl-Isopropyl-Amiloride (EIPA) during ischaemia and reperfusion. Circulat Res 66:1156–1159, Dennis SC, Gevers W, Opie LH (1991) Protons in ischemia: Where do they come from; Where do they go to? Lang Und Schwarz Wertpap... share price data is direct from the London Stock Exchange. Denn schon im Jahr 1409 wurde die erste Börse in Brügge gegründet. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 2:623–636, Pannier JL, Leusen I (1968) Contraction characteristics of papillary muscle during changes in acid-base composition of the bathing-fluid. i) and activates Na+/K+ ATPase, with a consecutive increase of energy consumption. LANG UND SCHWARZ WERTPAPIERHANDEL A 0RS1 Overview - Search stock, chart, recent trades, company information, trading information, company news, fundamentals J Mol Cell Cardiol 1:325–339, Haigney MCP, Miyata H, Lakatta EG, Stern MD, Silverman HS (1992) Dependence of hypoxic cellular calcium loading on Na+−Ca++ exchange. This review discusses the role of the Na+/H+ exchange system in the pathophysiology of ischemia and reperfusion and the beneficial effects of its inhibition. Monitor lets you view up to 110 of your favourite stocks at … Neuroscience 7:1595–1609, Pierce GN, Maddaford TG, Kroeger EA, Cragoe EJ (1990) Protection by benzamil against dysfunction and damage in rat myocardium after calcium depletion and repletion. Am J Physiol 102:282–291, Neely JR, Morgan HE (1974) Relationship between carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and the energy balance of heart muscle. Box 80 03 20, 65926, Frankfurt/M., Germany, You can also search for this author in Fuzzy space. J Mol Cell Cardiol 12:761–770, Cobbe SM, Poole-Wilson PA (1980) The time of onset and severity of acidosis in myocardial ischaemia. J Mol Cell Cardiol 10:641–668, Hendrikx M, Mubagwa K, Flameng W (1993) Inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange protects against postischemic dysfunction in isolated, blood perfused rabbit heart. The characterization of various ion transport systems has led to a better understanding of the effects, which seem to take part in the impairment of ischemic and reperfused cardiac tissue. Lang & Schwarz und Lang & Schwarz Exchange (LSX) (Shares, bonds, participation certificates, funds, ETFs, ETCs, Data incl. Clin Sci 84:133–139, Ng ML, Levy MN, Zieske HA (1967) Effects of changes of pH and carbon dioxide tension on left ventricular performance. Advertise Here. J Mol Cell Cardiol 24:731–739, Scholz W, Albus U, Linz W, Schölkens BA (1991) Effect of Na+/H+ exchange inhibition in cardiac ischemia. Cardiovasc Res 27:630–637, Frelin C, Vigne P, Lazdunski M (1984) The role of Na+/H+ exchange system in cardiac cells in relation to the control of the internal Na+ concentration. J Mol Cell Cardiol 23:1077–1086, Duan J, Karmazyn M (1992) Protective effects of amiloride on the ischemic reperfused rat heart. Basic Research in Cardiology i leads to increased intracellular Ca++ (Ca++ Brit J Pharmacol 109:562–568, Scholz W, Albus U, Linz W, Martorana P, Lang HJ, Schölkens BA (1992) Effects of Na+/H+ exchange inhibitors in cardiac ischemia. After a certain period, Na+/H+ exchange is inactivated by a decrease of extracellular pH. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 65/11:2175–2181, Lazdunski M, Frelin C, Vigne P (1985) The sodium/hydrogen exchange system in cardiac cells: Its biochemical and pharmacological properties and its role in regulating internal concentrations of sodium and internal pH. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. Circulat Res 72:112–125, Stute N, Trendelenburg U (1984) The outward transport of axoplasmic noradrenaline induced by a rise of the sodium concentration in the adrenergic nerve endings of the rat vas deferens. Hierbei handelte es sich um eine Wechselbörse (institutionalisierten Handelsplatz der Fernhändler für Wechsel). J Mol Cell Cardiol 18:1187–1195, Sack S, Mohri M, Schwarz ER, Arras M, Schaper J, Schaper W (1992) Inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange prevents ventricular fibrillation and preserves function in porcine stunned myocardium. Even exercising all due diligence, however, downtime cannot be ruled out. J Mol Cell Cardiol 21:1226 (Abstract), Mattiazzi AR, Cingolani HE (1977) Biphasic effect of hypercapnia on myocardial contractility. Science 248:283, MacLeod KT (1989) Effects of hypoxia and metabolic inhibition on the intracellular sodium activity of mammalian ventricular muscle. J Leukocyte Biol 43:183–186, Zhao-Ping L, Chao-Shu T, Jing-Yi S (1991) Role of Na+−Ca++ exchange system in the pathogenesis of myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion damage. At the onset of ischemia intracellular pH (pHi) decreases due to anaerobic metabolism and ATP hydrolysis, leading to an activation of Na+/H+ exchange. J Gen Physiol 93:1129–1145, Moffat MP (1989) Amiloride modifies the response of canine Purkinje fibres to conditions of ischemia und reperfusion. Die LANG & SCHWARZ Tradecenter AG & Co. KG übernimmt jedoch keine Gewähr für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der bereitgestellten Inhalte, insbesondere der Kurse, der Markt-, Börsen- und sonstiger Wirtschaftsinformationen. Durch wird ein gewisses Maß an Regulierung geboten. The Company also operates through Lang & Schwarz TradeCenter AG & Co. KG, which operates an off-the-floor trading platform for domestic and international stocks, funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), exchange traded commodities (ETCs), exchange traded notes (ETNs), bonds and derivatives. Circulation 53:I3-I14, Winkler H, Apps DK, Fischer-Colbrie R (1986) The molecular function of adrenal chromaffin granules: established facts and unresolved topics. Since cellular Na+ and Ca++ transport are coupled by the Na+/Ca++ exchange system, which depends on the Na+ gradient, the high Na+ J Biol Chem 258:9657–9661, Rouslin W, Erickson JL (1986) Factors affecting loss of mitochondrial functioning in autolyzing cardiac muscle. Die Börse an sich kann auf eine sehr lange Historie zurückblicken. Pfluegers Arch 296:70–90, Schaffer SW, Safer B, Ford C, Illingworth J, Williamson JR (1978) Respiratory acidosis and its reversibility in perfused rat heart: regulation of citric acid cycle activity. Circulat Res 43:1–9, Dennis SC, Coetzee WA, Cragoe EJ, Opie LH (1990) Effects of proton buffering and of amiloride derivatives on reperfusion arrhythmias in isolated rat hearts. Die Lang & Schwarz Aktiengesellschaft ist eine Holding aus der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche mit rund 50 Mitarbeitern, die 1996 in Düsseldorf gegründet wurde und im Basic Board Segment der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (FWB) notiert ist.. Operativ entwickelt die Lang & Schwarz Aktiengesellschaft derivative Produkte und emittiert diese unter dem eigenen Namen. Circulation 86:1903 (Abstract), Kentish JC, Nayler WG (1979) The influence of pH on the Ca2+-regulated ATPase of cardiac and white skeletal myofibrils. VAT) €2,00 per order. Circulat Res 66:135–146, Steenbergen C, Perlman ME, London RE, Murphy E (1993) Mechanisms of preconditioning: ionic alterations. Am J Physiol 255:H608-h615, Kazumasa H, Franklin A, Johnson RG, Grossman W, Morgan JP (1992) Na+/H+; Na+/Ca+ exchange enhance and ATP-sensitive K+ channels ameliorate cell Ca++ rise in ischemia. J Mol Cell Cardiol 23:505–517, Ishibashi T, Nakazawa M, Imai S (1993) Ischemic changes in myocardial ionic contents of the isolated perfused rat heart as studies by NMR. Circulat Res 41:849–858, Steenbergen C, Murphy E, Levy L, London RE (1987) Elevation in cytosolic free calcium concentration early in myocardial ischemia in perfused rat heart. Ann Rev Physiol 44:389–400, Gudbjarnason S, Mathes P, Ravens KG (1970) Functional compartmentation of ATP and creatine phosphate in heart muscle. J Mol Cell Cardiol 11:611–617, Kimura J, Noma A, Irisawa H (1986) Na−Ca exchange current in mammalian heart cells. Pharmacology 39:230–239, Rasmussen HH, Cragoe EJ, Ten Eick RE (1989) Na+-dependent activation of Na+−K+ pump in human myocardium during recovery from acidosis. Circulat Res 71:547–557, Harrison SM, Frampton JE, McCall E, Boyett MR, Orchard CH (1992) Contraction and intracellular Ca++, Na+, and H+ during acidosis in rat ventricular myocytes. Part of Springer Nature. volume 88, pages443–455(1993)Cite this article. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 16:S105-S112, Sharma GP, Varley KG, Kim SW, Barwinsky J, Cohen M, Dhalla NS (1975) Alterations in energy metabolism and ultrastructure upon reperfusion of the ischemic myocardium after coronary occlusion. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 327:124–132, Tani M, Neely JR (1989) Role of intracellular Na+ in Ca++ overload and depressed recovery of ventricular function of reperfused ischemic rat hearts. Darüber h… Lang & Schwarz TradeCenter AG & Co. KG will endeavor to offer the service on demand without any interruptions, as feasible. Circulat Res 61:726–734, Beers MF, Carty SE, Johnson RG, Scarpa A (1982) H+-ATPase and catecholamine transport in chromaffin granules. Lang & Schwarz AG operates as a holding company, which focuses on on-exchange and off … Circulat Res 72:993–1003, Vaughan-Jones RD, Wu ML (1990) Extracellular H+ inactivation of Na+−H+ exchange in the sheep cardiac Purkinje fibre. J Physiol 390:93–118, Karmazyn M (1988) Amiloride enhances postischemic ventricular recovery: possible role of Na+/H+ exchange. J Physiol 359:81–105, Fabiato A, Fabiato F (1978) Effects of pH on the myofilaments and the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skinned cells from cardiac and skeletal muscle. Circulat Res 69:1525–1537, Murphy E, Perlman M, London RE, Steenbergen C (1991) Amiloride delays the ischemia induced rise in cytosolic free calcium. High Ca++ Die angezeigten Kurse können erheblich von den rechtlich verbindlichen Handelskursen abweichen. Eur J Biochem 149:1–4, Garlick PB, Radda GK, Seeley PJ (1979) Studies of acidosis in the ischemic heart by phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance. Circulat Res 55:382–391, Borgers M, Piper HM (1986) Calcium shifts in anoxic cardiac myocytes: A cytochemical study. Ann Rev Physiol 36:413–459, Neely JR, Rovetto MJ, Whitmer JT, Morgan HE (1973) Effects of ischemia on function and metabolism of the isolated working rat heart. Circulat Res 65:1045–1056, Tani M, Neely JR (1990) Na+ accumulation increases Ca++ overload and impairs function in anoxis rat heart. Basic Res Cardiol 88, 443–455 (1993). Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York pp 165–167, Kaila K, Vaughan-Jones RD (1987) Influence of sodium-hydrogen exchange on intracellular pH, sodium and tension in sheep cardiac Purkinje fibers. J Physiol 428:441–466, Wallert MA, Fröhlich O (1989) Na+−H+ exchange in isolated myocytes from adult rat heart. Taxes to be calculated in checkout. Ann Rev Physiol 47:545–560, Avkiran M, Ibuki C (1992) Reperfusion-induced arrhythmias — a role for washout of extracellular protons? Lang & Schwarz AG Breite Strasse 34 Dusseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen 40213 Phone : +49.211.13840.0 Fax : +49.211.13840.90 Web : Circulation 78:1469–1477, Elliot AC, Smith GL, Eisner DA, Allen DG (1992) Metabolic changes during ischaemia and their role in contractile failure in isolated ferret hearts. J Biol Chem 259:8880–8885, Frelin C, Vigne P, Lazdunski M (1985) The role of Na+/H+ exchange system in the regulation of the internal pH in cultured cardiac cells. Brit J Pharmacol 108:118P, Scholz W, Albus U, Lang HJ, Linz W, Martorana PA, Englert HC, Schölkens BA (1993) Hoe 694, a new Na+/H+ exchange inhibitor and its effects in cardiac ischaemia.


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